Модеран MEFE ЦАРПЕТ 2312 Орнамент - структурна два нивоа флиса крем / Плави

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дебљина тепиха: 8 mm & 13 mm

Укупна маса: између 1,50 - 2,0 kg/m2 (тежина зависи од узорка тепиха )

врста предива: полипропилен + полиестер Shrink

▪ произвођач: Dywany Łuszczów


  трошкови доставе од: 24,70 €
  испорука за 48х
  шаљемо у иностранство
  30 дана за враћање робе
  2 године гаранције
  могуће је плаћање поузећем, контактирајте нас како бисмо утврдили трошкове

12,59 € Са ПДВ-ом.

Лист са подацима

Материјал Polipropylen + Polyester Shrink
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Више информација

Choosing the right carpet for our home interiors is usually not an easy task.
We offer you a modern collection of MEFE carpets, which with its performance meets the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
At first glance, most of the models fit into modern interiors, and nothing prevents you from using them also when arranging traditional and more classic rooms.
The MEFE collection can be successfully used in many rooms. You can freely adjust the size - we offer sizes from 80x150 cm to even 280x370 cm.
Such a solution means that the specimens can be used as a very large rug in the living room, but in fact nothing prevents them from being used as small rugs - for example in the hallway or in the wardrobe.
Modern interiors sometimes require the use of a non-standard carpet shape.
To meet expectations, our offer includes several circular designs with 3 diameters 100, 160 and 200 cm, which will be a perfect complement to even the most sophisticated arrangements.
The MEFE collection is made of 100% polypropylene, which is one of the most popular carpet components.
An important feature of polypropylene carpets is that they do not collect too much dust between their fibers - this fact will surely be enjoyed by all people who struggle with various allergies.
Our MEFE carpets are easy to maintain.
We also offer runners from 70cm to 200cm wide.



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