Винилни подови PVC RANGER 603-07

New product

thickness of floor covering: 2.0 mm

wear layer: О томе 0,8 mm



  трошкови доставе од: 24,70 €
  испорука за 48х
  шаљемо у иностранство
  30 дана за враћање робе
  2 године гаранције
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24,60 € Са ПДВ-ом.

Упозорење: Последњи артикли на лагеру!

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RANGER – a flexible, heterogeneous floor covering from the Superior line with a thickness of 2.0 mm based on solid layers with a 0.8 mm wear layer and matt finish. Top layer was made with new and innovative INVERTECH technology. Additionally, it is coated with polyurethane lacquer. All this makes the flooring from this collection has very good anti-slip properties (R10 and R11). It is also intended to be used in residential buildings as well as in light industry facilities with high intensity of use and in public facilities with very high traffic intensity. This floor covering will also be used in rooms requiring protection against static electricity.

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